There is a lot of planning to do when you are expecting a baby, that's why we're here to support you at the earliest stage.
At this age, your child’s independence and confidence is growing daily. They are making huge strides towards the academic and developmental skills they will need to start school, and our experienced practitioners help support them – and you - on that journey.
As your child moves into the more independent preschool years, their nursery days develop into a more structured pace of meaningful and purposeful learning. Children are encouraged to approach the world with curiosity and a positive disposition to learn.
At this stage, your child will be gaining confidence and the skills and desire to think for themselves. They will learn how to solve problems, work with others, communicate, and gain an increasing understanding of the world and how it works.
Designed by our Early Years specialists, your little one will get the very best start through our enriching and wellbeing focused Bright Beginnings Curriculum, which is underpinned by our Growing Enhancements and Ready For School Programmes.
These will prepare your child to:
With so much to learn every day, tracking your child’s progress is as important to us as it is to you. Every child has a Learning Journey on our Bright Horizons Family App where you can easily see their milestones, achievements and new skills.
Many of our nurseries feature activity-rich, age-appropriate outdoor spaces, with a mixture of water-play walls, sandpits, tricycles, climbing frames, balance beams and more. Depending on the location, some nurseries also take preschool children on trips out to local parks or woodland areas, supporting them in their discovery of the natural world.
You know your child best, that’s why our parent partnerships are important.
Our home activities and Bright Horizons Family App are on hand to keep you involved in your child’s learning, from Play and Learning at Home activity cards to regular stay and play days where guidelines allow.
Every nursery practitioner is First Aid trained and we have specialist SEND staff in each nursery, there to support children who have special educational needs or a disability.
We are excited to be part of your baby’s learning journey and look forward to meeting you and your little one soon.
There is a lot of planning to do when you are expecting a baby, that's why we're here to support you at the earliest stage.
From birth, babies are busy, active learners, investigating the sights, sounds, and feel of the world through their developing senses.
Being a toddler is a time of huge change, moving from the total dependence of babyhood to the more independent, mobile world of a preschooler.