Surviving The Summer

Even when they’re little, there are plenty of ways to keep children occupied and learning without knowing throughout the summer. Take a look at some of our parental advice, practical tips and reading suggestions to help keep the learning fun and engaging.

big school

7 Ways to Help Your Child Transition from Primary to Secondary School


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reading with children

Reading With Your Children: The Knock-On Benefits And How To Make It Enjoyable


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Summer Holiday: 10 Essentials to Pack for Your Toddler

Summer Holiday: 10 Essentials to Pack for Your Toddler


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Summer Playdates: 6 Fun and Engaging Ideas for Toddlers & Preschoolers

Summer Playdates: 6 Fun and Engaging Ideas for Toddlers & Preschoolers


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Tips for Helping Your Child Learn to Ride a Bike, Whatever Their Age

Tips for Helping Your Child Learn to Ride a Bike, Whatever Their Age


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