Bright Horizons Westminster nursery has been rated ‘Outstanding’ for the fourth time following its most recent inspection, making it an exceptional achievement.
The report praises the Nursery and its team for taking care of children's emotional well-being exceptionally well and having a secure understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.
The nursery received its inspection on September 29th, with all categories passing with the ‘Outstanding’ status. Ofsted report on four key categories; quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership management. The inspection was carried out through a variety of tasks including staff and parent interviews and observational activities. Comments from the report included:
Cheriese Nursery Manager at the VIP Westminster setting said: “We are extremely delighted to be rated Outstanding for the fourth time in a row! My team have all worked so hard to provide an enriching and aspirational curriculum that ensures we have a strong focus on the children’s wellbeing. I am thrilled we have been recognised by Ofsted for our enthusiasm in supporting each child to progress and thrive to reach their full potential. I’m thrilled to be part of and lead a team of passionate and dedicated practitioners.”
If you would like to be part of an amazing team, visit Bright Horizon’s career page here to view opportunities.