Expecting A Baby: 6 Ways to Reduce Your Baby ‘Set Up’ Cost

Expecting A Baby: 6 Ways to Reduce Your Baby ‘Set Up’ Cost

When expecting a baby, it's common to think you're going to need a whole lot of new stuff! And while this is a very exciting time, we understand that it can also be an overwhelming time. If you, like many other parents-to-be across the UK, are feeling nervous about how much your baby ‘set up' will affect your finances, then rest assured that with a bit of planning and insider tips, your little bundle doesn't have to cost a bundle.

From buggies and bassinets to breast pumps and car seats, there is a lot of equipment that comes with having a baby. So, in order to avoid falling for every gadget and device on the baby market, it's important to discover what is it that you really need to invest in.

In this article, we'll show you six ways to reduce your baby ‘set up' cost while still getting everything you need for your bundle of joy.

  1. Second-Hand vs New
  2. Deciding to split your new baby needs between brand new and second-hand is one of the best ways to stay within your budget.

    Luckily, there are lots of great second-hand marketplaces and websites around, where you can pick up a brilliant bargain. You can scour Facebook Marketplace or eBay for items on sale near where you live and check out the condition of the items before you buy.

    This could be particularly helpful for larger items such as cots and buggies, which can be very expensive off the shelf.

  3. Embrace Hand-Me-Downs
  4. Understandably, you're going to want to buy your baby every adorable outfit you see, but the truth is, babies grow quickly!

    In the early newborn stage, your baby will mostly be living in vests and onesies. And, before you know it, they've grown to the next clothing size and all those (expensive) sweet little outfits will remain unworn in the wardrobe. So, when friends and family offer you hand-me-downs from their children, accept them with open arms. It's likely that they too were worn very lightly (if at all) and you'll soon have a wardrobe filled with gorgeous pre-loved clothes.

    The same goes with most baby equipment. Do your friends have items such as baby monitors, cots, bath seats, etc., that they no longer need and would be happy to pass on to you? If you're doing a baby shower gift registry, it's worth listing which items you'd be happy to receive as a hand-me-down.  

  5. Do Your Research
  6. Before raiding the stores for all the latest ‘must-have' baby items, chat to friends and family members who have already passed this phase of parenthood. Ask them what items they found were useful when they became parents and which ones they could have easily lived without.

    You can also look online. Check out reviews on parenting forums and Amazon and read professional consumer product review sites. This is a great money-savvy way to filter through the labyrinth of baby gear available on the market and start thinking about what you really need.

  7. Figuring Out What's Necessary
  8. The baby industry is a booming market with millions of products available, but the following are perhaps the most necessary for newborns:

    These items will help you feel more prepared for when your baby comes, and you can always add to the list once your baby is here and you figure out any additional needs.

    After all, do you really need those baby Ugg boots? Or a wet wipe warmer? Probably not!

  9. Opt For Store Brands Where Possible
  • Basic clothing including hats, socks, onesies, and vests.
  • A good supply of baby blankets and muslins.
  • Baby monitor.
  • Crib and cot (a Moses basket can also be helpful to transport around the house).
  • Bedding and mattress for the crib and cot.
  • A nappy changing unit or table.
  • A good supply of bottles, bottle brushes, and formula if bottle feeding.
  • A breast pump if breastfeeding (there are so many available in a range of price points. You can even rent a hospital-grade pump instead of buying one) plus breast pads and nursing bras.
  • Baby bathtub or insert for your regular bath.
  • Baby toiletries such as baby shampoo, bubble bath, and lotion.
  • Hooded towels and wash cloths.
  • A baby thermometer.
  • Nappies and a nappy bag.
  • Wipes.
  • Nappy cream.
  • A playmat or baby swing to place baby safely for some hands-free time.
  • Simple and stimulating baby toys.
  • Car seat and any attachments needed.
  • A travel system or buggy suitable for the newborn stage upwards.
  • A baby sling if you want to try baby wearing.

The supermarkets are a great place to save some extra money on baby goods.

Store brand baby essentials such as nappies, wipes, snacks, baby food, toiletries and so much more are just as good (sometimes even better) than pricier name brands. Because babies go through A LOT of nappies, bulk-buying store-brand nappies is a great cost-effective option. Most UK supermarkets have ‘baby events' throughout the year, and it's a savvy opportunity to stock up on those essentials.

Just remember to buy bigger sizes when you do this, so you don't end up with lots of newborn nappies you can no longer use.

There are plenty of affordable baby brands out there, you just need to do the research to find them. Look at your budget and your lifestyle and have all the facts when making a baby product purchase decision.

Further Information:

Is Pre-Loved Maternity and Baby Clothing Right for You?

What to Do at Home with a Newborn - 10 Ways to Engage with your Baby

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