My Little Box of Big Memories


My Little Box of Big Memories

My Little Box of Big Memories

We know how fast your little ones grow up and sometimes its nice to have a momento of their childhood journey.

Thats why, at Bright Horizons, we offer a Childhood pack that you can store and treasure every masterpiece and growth marker of your child.

If you haven't received yours, ask your nursery manager for more information on how to claim your childhood pack!

My Little Box of Big Memories

What's in the box

• Cuddly Candy Floss - for your child to get to know our Superhero.

• A branded wet-bag - for those "messy moments".

• A branded rucksack with "my bag belongs too" card - for all of your child's nursery needs.

• A Bright Horizons mug. Perfect for those moments when you want to take a little time to reflect and enjoy a warm drink.

• A5 knowledge cards, introducing our Nurture Approach

Please speak to your nursery manager for more information.

Children Getting Their Childhood Packs
Bright Horizons Childhood Packs

My Little Box of Big Memories

Each new day, I learn and grow,  
So many things I’ve yet to know! 

I discover, paint, laugh, count, and play, 
At Bright Horizons, every day. 

This little box is for the things I make, 
Each gift from me - a treasured keepsake. 
From the letters I write, to songs I sing, 
This big little box keeps each special thing. 

I learn with joy, through connection and care, 
And explore the world with friends who share
My milestones and memories – keep them forever, 
All tucked in this box, to look at together.   

When I’m grown up, you’ll take a look, 
And remember the precious steps I took.
From wobbly moments to joyful times,
These magical early years of mine.

This is my childhood

Bright Horizons Childhood Packs